CLUE Mini-Series
Moon Orion Productions, Inc.
Exec Prod: Raven Metzner
Producer: Christine Haebler/Karen Moore
Director: Terry McDonough
DOP: Joel Ransom
PM: Tia Buhl
PC: Jim McKeown
PD: James Willcock
Coord: Peter Gibson*
Constr Coord: Alan Burdett
Key Scenic Art: Beth Snelgrove
#300 - 291 West 2nd Avenue
Vancouver, B.C. V5T 1B8
Ph: (604) 687-7591
Fax: (604) 687-4937
Prep: June 13, 2011
Shoot: July 19, 2011
Wrap: August 22, 2011
*Written consent has been provided as per Article 7.01 of the
Collective Agreement.