Unifor Notices

UNIFOR Constitution
Updated August 31, 2015

The Unifor Constitution is available here.

If you have any questions, please e-mail info@acfcwest.com or call the office at (604) 299-2232 and we will ensure your questions are answered.

New Union – UNIFOR
Updated June 20, 2013

After many months of discussion, the convention to approve the merger of the CEP and CAW into the new Union, UNIFOR, will be held on Labour Day Weekend in Toronto.

Those members who have attended our General Meetings or have followed the Member section of our website have received regular updates. Follow this link, www.newunionproject.ca/unifor/ to find information such as the UNIFOR constitution.

If you have any questions, please e-mail info@acfcwest.com or call the office at (604) 299-2232 and we will ensure your questions are answered.

Unifor Notices
News and press releases from our parent union, Unifor can be found at their Press Room.

Scholarship Opportunities
Information about Unifor scholarships.

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