How Do I Apply for a Position Upgrade?
After working on ACFC West, Local 2020 Unifor productions for awhile, you may want to upgrade your position with the union so that your resume can be sent out for a higher position in the department you are recognized in.
To qualify, you must meet all of the following:
- have full member status
- have a minimum of 3 credits (2 of which must be on union productions, with at least 1 ACFC West credit), or 90 days on an ACFC West TV series in the upgraded position
- submit an updated resume outlining your credits and days worked, and a verification of your position and days worked (i.e., time sheets, paystubs, etc.).
If you are upgrading to a key position, you may be required to take the following course through Actsafe: Motion Picture Safety 201 – Safety for Supervisors.
When you have met all the above criteria, your position may be upgraded with the union.
Note: any/all criteria subject to change without notice. E&OE.
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