How Do I Apply for Full Member Status?
If you are currently a permittee or an applicant and have a minimum 90 days on set work on ACFC West, Local 2020 Unifor production(s) in an ACFC West position, you can apply for full member status with the following criteria:
- 3 letters or signatures of endorsement from:
- a key in your department who is a member in good standing;
- two members in good standing;
(an endorsement form is available from the ACFC West, Local 2020 Unifor office or Member Endorsement download one here.)
- an updated resume accurately reflecting your days worked.
Applications to full member status are reviewed by the Council at any council meeting (about 10 times per year). Applicants will be notified in writing upon acceptance.
*Note: full members are required to pay initiation dues and annual membership dues. Please contact the office for the current rates.
Advantages to becoming a full Member:
- lower check-off dues
- access to health benefits
- access to educational reimbursements
- the right to participate in and vote on union affairs.
To download applications, click here.
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Portable Document Format PDF) files.