Notice of Annual Dues Relief
Dear Members:
RE: Cumulative Local Effect of WGA / SAG-AFTRA strikes
Due to the unprecedented circumstances originating in the United States that have affected film and television production in British Columbia, the Executive and Council of ACFC West, Local 2020 Unifor has approved the following in respect of annual dues:
Annual dues for the 2024 dues year will be held in abeyance for any Member
in Good Standing as of September 24, 2023. The abeyance period will last
until October 1st, 2024, whereupon those annual dues will be payable. Any
Member in Good Standing as of September 24, 2023, who has already paid
2024 annual dues may request the return of those funds.
The 1-year relief granted in this policy is designed around the expectation
that the industry will stabilize once the Labour Relations issues in the United
States are resolved and Technicians will have had an opportunity to generate
income through spring and summer, 2024.
Given the recent news of a tentative agreement between the WGA and the AMPTP, we are hopeful that a speedy resolution to the SAGAFTRA strike will follow. Thereafter, a return of service productions to British Columbia is anticipated.
Daryl Litke BA BEd TTEd
Business Manager / Agent
ACFC West, Local 2020 Unifor
Tel: (604) 299 – ACFC (2232)
PDF of Annual Dues Relief Notice