If You Have Zero (0) Days in Your Day Bank You May Be at Risk of Affecting Your Eligibility For Benefits
In order to buy days, once a Member in Good Standing’s day bank is exhausted, they must have 10 days minimum in their Day Bank over the course of the two (2) previous years.
It is September, 2015 and Jim has no days in his Day Bank but Jim wishes to buy days to continue to stay on the Union Local’s Health and Welfare Plan. In the last two (2) years Jim has only had 3 days on his various Day bank statements. The days consisted of 1 day he worked in December 2013 and two days he worked in March of 2014. If Jim had any days carried forward from time worked on the Union Local’s shows prior to the last quarter of 2013, these days would have counted as part of the 10 days necessary to stay eligible, even though these days were worked over two years ago. In Jim’s situation he had no carry forward days.
Sept 2015-no days in Day Bank
2013-2015-3 days in Day Bank
Dec 2013-1 day
Mar 2014-2 days
No previous days carried forward into the 2013-2015 Day Bank
So because Jim has only had three (3) days in his Day Bank over the last two years he is no longer eligible to buy days and therefore, stay on the plan. In order to get back on the plan Jim will have to work at least ten (10) days in a two year period. It is also important to note that once a member drops off the plan they are not eligible to return to the plan for one (1) year.
As always, if you have any questions or would like additional information, please contact Susan in the ACFC West office at (604) 299-ACFC (2232) or email administrator@acfcwest.com.